Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My New Family

I moved yesterday into the home of my host family which is quite a ways out of town. It feels good to be more independent and also it forces me to speak a lot more Lao. I live with euay (sister) Meena who is young and spunky and her little boys, Joshua ( a walking talking 1 year old) and Isaac (4) . It's a busy house! My Lao vocubulary for phrases like "Take that out of your mouth!" and "Colour on the paper, not on the wall!" and "Please put your brother down!" is expanding rapidly. There are also two girls named Goong and Kai (17 and 13) who live in the house as temporary foster daughters. Everyone in the house is trying to learn English and they are eager for me to teach them and also to tech me Lao. Here, my new family calls me "Jedsee", because in the Lao language you cannot end sylable with an "s". Being a small, white falang (foreigner) in Laos is good for the self esteem. Yesterday Nalene (my 8 year old host niece who lives next door) pressed her tiny hand in to mine and called me "Euay Ngam" (beautiful sister).


jay said...

Hey Jess. Nice to read a new entry. Life souinds exciting and new living with your host family.

Ellen enjoyed talking to you tonight.



jay said...

Hey there beautiful sister. Nice to read your blog and steves too!

Hope you keep enjoying life with your host family.

Ellen enjoyed talking with you tonight.

Love Dad

Susan said...

Dear Jessica,
I was glad that Chris Landes found me on Facebook and sent me the MCC group and I found your blog. Thanks Chris!!

You sound like you are off to a good start with your host family and lots of kids to teach you Lao. You can't have too much local language! Take care. I hope you get to start driving a moto soon.

Laos must be 100% more wet than here in dry as bones Afghanistan--at least until the snow flies here.
Love, Aunt Susan