Monday, December 3, 2007

Heart Dance

In the cool of the night
in rhythm with the ancient drums,
my heart pounds like love.
Love of a planet.

I’m afraid to look down at this page,
for already each second is speeding away
like the paper lantern we have flung into the heavens,
a new star
a new vision.
A vision of happiness for this continent
and for the planet it calls home.

Gathered from the far reaches of Asia
and beyond
we dance feverishly,
as though the fate of each sentient being rests in our spiraling arms,
no telling what may happen if we fall still.
still as the monks in our midst,
wrapped warmly in their fire coloured robes.
Deep red for Bhutan, brilliant orange for Thailand.

And if I close my eyes and squint a little
every pounding heart will rise
into the night like so many paper lanterns.

*I wrote this poem during a particularly meaningful evening of the "Third International Conference on Gross National Happiness" held in Thailand. I will post some pictures and highlights of the conference very soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your experiences, pictures, and moments of inspiration with us in this blog, Jessica -- what a fascinating journey!

Nathan Funk